Crazy about Koalas this Caturday!

The humans have been to visit koalas at Featherdale Wildlife Park! They emailed me some photos and I must say I’m very jealous! Mum had never seen a koala before and now I’m worried she loves them more than me! Our extended family Kathryn, Marcus and Jayden took the humans to Featherdale and they had […]

Blown away by Bloomsbury Australia!

Yesterday mum popped in to meet all the Bloomsbury ladies in the Sydney office. She sat down and had afternoon tea with Sonia, Kirstin, Bethia and Kate but she was very honoured to meet a very impawtant canine called Jackson! He quietly runs the office and keeps the humans out of mischief while he quality […]

Balancing on the bow.

When we’re out on anchor, I love chilling out on the bow of the boat! Getting back down can sometimes be a little tricky though… Balance is very impawtant when you’re precariously placing your paws! It’s the purrfect agility test for a boat cat! I love clambering around my beautiful Nocturne! Bisous Bailey

Patient paws!

Fighting the fans!

One of the best games on board Noccy is playing with the fans! We don’t have any air conditioning, so in the summer we usually have the fans on constantly. When the humans flick the switch on and off I love to jump into attack mode! It’s so much fun and when the humans get […]

Paws in the sand!

It’s cooling down a lot here in the South of France. We’re lucky to be having bright sunny days for the most part, but the temperature has dropped down to around 10C. The humans are enjoying beautiful hot days in Brisbane and it’s making me long for the summer days we spent having fun on […]

Reeling after the humans catch a Ray!

I’m astounded and amazed! I’ve just heard from the humans… They flew up to Brisbane yesterday and have spend the day with our great furiends Rosco, Robbie, Janine and and Dianna. As you all know any fishing that happens on the boat, it’s me that actually catches the fish because my humans are the worst […]

Cheerful Caturday!

Hi furiends! I hope you’re all having a pawesome weekend! I’m midway through cat camp. The humans will be back in just over a week. Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun! I’m off outside to explore in the jungle today, it’s by far the best thing about being at cat camp! Bisous Bailey

Dinghy Devils… Down Under!

The humans have been missing me extra today! It turns out they have dinghy devils Down Under too! They saw a couple in Sydney at darling harbour yesterday. Today, however, when they went to Bondi Beach they saw hundreds!!!! They even tried to steal their chips at lunchtime! There would be none of this nonsense […]

Sightseeing in Sydney!

The humans are having a pawesome time in Australia! Today (even though I think they’ve now moved into tomorrow!) they’ve been sightseeing in Sydney. Dad loved showing mum where he grew up and they had a great day out with Kathryn, Marcus and Jayden on the ferries and around the water! They were full of […]