Sleepy Fishercat!

When the humans are away…

Friday fishing!

Furiends I’m afraid to say I’ve been far too lazy, I mean busy sleeping, to prepare a film for today. Film on Friday will return with a pawesome film next Friday! Today Dad was invited to go fishing with our good furiends Gery and Irene. He caught a little skate! He looks as proud as […]

Frequent fishing.

I’m feeling very adventurous today! I can’t wait to be on the boat…I’m going to do some daily fishing until I master it. Maybe I’ll even be able to teach the humans! Bisous Bailey

Fish-ray vision

I love watching the fish swim around the boat. The little ones often come and feed on the algae that grows when Nocturne has a dirty bottom. In the summer, we had a jellyfish infestation and those guys are so interesting to watch puff along too! The humans like to watch all of the action […]

Reeling after the humans catch a Ray!

I’m astounded and amazed! I’ve just heard from the humans… They flew up to Brisbane yesterday and have spend the day with our great furiends Rosco, Robbie, Janine and and Dianna. As you all know any fishing that happens on the boat, it’s me that actually catches the fish because my humans are the worst […]

Nothing in the net!

Since we have no luck fishing with a rod, a line or trawling a line. I allowed the humans to use my net to try and catch some of the little ones that swim just beside the boat near the surface… Even with the net they couldn’t catch one! I tried directing them but to […]

Fish are friends!

I’ve been really enjoying learning how to fish. The humans make it sound really difficult but in reality it’s fairly simple. You prepare your line. Then you cast your line and wait… This part is great, it gives you time to contemplate life and enjoy being out in the ocean. When you feel a little […]

Here fishy fishy!

Heading over to Ponza.

We had a reasonably calm night here on Nocturne. The wind picked up (gusting 25 knots with a slight swell) but she held well on her anchor and we didn’t budge an inch. This morning I was up early checking everything over… The humans and I had breakfast in the cockpit and enjoyed the sunshine […]