Chilling on Caturday!

Happy Caturday furiends! I’m having a lazy day today and chilling out. I can’t wait to get out of the marina and get sailing again! What are you up to today? Bisous , Bailey

How to train humans!

Happy Film on Friday furiends! Now, I would never advocate violence but on occasions it’s necessary to give humans the strong paw treatment. Otherwise known as bopping. If a human oversteps their boundaries you can give them a quick bop to put them back in their place. I demonstrate how it’s done in this weeks […]

Complicated cooking!

I don’t think I’ve told you yet about the humans complicated cooking at the moment. WELL, our oven on Nocturne has never worked since we’ve had the boat. It needs a new part from America to be fixed, but the humans have never managed to actually get the part. (Dad was refusing to get a […]

Waiting for nice weather!

Grieving for our Gennacker.

Furiends I have sad news. You may remember back in September we had our gennacker up (after a small sail repair) but it gave way and ripped nearly in two! I wrote about it here. The humans finally got around to taking it to the very talented sail-maker here, and he said he would try […]

Meowing my way around the world!

I’m lucky to have lots of furiends all around the world, people read my blog from all over and my book is sold internationally. My humans also have furiends all around the world. As you know my dad is a pilot and my mum teaches English as well as writing. When she teaches online, she […]

Four eyes selfie!

Cold Caturday!

I’m feeling slightly better today furiends because the humans are also stuck inside! It’s cold and wet outside so the varnishing has had to be rescheduled. Instead we’re sorting out inside. The jobs are never ending! Most of the essential chores have been done but there’s lots of room for improvement. We need to remove […]

STILL stuck inside!

Happy ‘Love your Pet day’ furiends! I love my two human pets and I showed them just how much by jumping on their stomachs and pushing my cold nose in their faces at 7AM this morning. They returned my sign of affection with abuse! OK well not abuse exactly, but they haven’t been very nice […]

I’m not amused!

I’m not amused today furiends because I’ve been forced, against my wishes, to stay inside. My dad is prepping all the teak in the cockpit ready for varnishing. He’s been outside all day! Other than a five minute stint over lunch I’ve been inside. Apparently it’s too dusty for me to be outside and the […]