Caught misbehaving on Caturday!

Furiends I have a confession to make. This morning I hopped on my neighbours boat without an invitation and refused to come home when the humans called me. I was busy sniffing around and exploring. They got frustrated and turned the hose on and pointed it in my general direction to encourage me to come […]

Stupid humans strike again!

Furiends I can’t trust the humans to do anything without my supervision. Yesterday I was taking a little nap in a sun puddle when I was rudely awakened. There was a shattering sound as glass fell to the floor! I’d entrusted the humans to change a lightbulb. Yes really something so simple! They broke the […]

The humans LOST an anchor!

Furiends it’s been a little while since I had to publicly shame my humans but the time has come again. This week they LOST an anchor! When it was really rough the other night and we saw lots of boats dragging, I instructed them to drop our spare anchor to make sure we held. Our […]

It’s impawtant to know when enough is enough!

Furiends I’m in BIG trouble! Yesterday I thought I’d play a game of hide and seek with dad. I ran off and jumped inside another boat, but he saw where I went. So I waited patiently sitting inside the boat for him to turn around, so I could run and hide again. There was a […]

I’m having a splashing time!

Furiends I think overdid the cat nip and the treats yesterday! I was so happy about the book launch that I fell asleep on the transom and fell off the boat! It was quite a shock I can tell you! I swam around to the front of the boat and clung onto the passerelle while […]

I’m in BIG trouble!

I’m sure I can count on you my dearest furiends to understand… I have a problem. When I see the corner of the sofa I’m compelled to scratch it. Even though I have a pawesome cat tree, I just can’t help myself, when I see the sofa it just invites me to scratch it. My […]

Keep your tail high when you’re caught being naughty!

Why is it when you know you’re not allowed to do something, it makes it sooo much more appealing? I got the humans in all of a bother a couple of times over the summer… When it’s really hot and sunny we put a shade cover over the cockpit to keep cool. We attach it […]

That Friday Feeling!

Oh yes! I’ve got that Friday feeling! IT’S THE WEEKEND! Hooray! I was feeling rather rock and roll and got a little carried away…. So I fled the scene quickly, oozing nonchalance… And now I’m doing my best to look innocent! Have a pawesome weekend! Bisous Bailey

Diving for a fishing net!

My humans really are funny! While we’re on anchor we have lots of fun and enjoy where we are exploring, swimming, snorkelling etc. But we also like to take care of our beloved Nocturne and make sure she’s happy too. One day my dad was using a sponge to rub down her toe rail when […]

Preparing to go cruising- side effects!

Our dream to go cruising is steadily becoming a reality as the humans and I are ticking off things, on the very long to do list. We are preparing both Nocturne and our personal lives ready to cast off on our adventure. My humans and I have noticed that our plans and choice of lifestyle […]