I’ve decided to be the Admiral Ashore!

Dear friends,

As you know, for some months now I have been living in Cornwall (U.K) with granny and grandpa and all of my furry cousins. I came here originally with mum, dad, April, Blue and Annabelle when we drove from Italy to Cornwall to stay for a month and prepare to move to our new boat. When the humans told me the plan was to drive back to Italy, pack up everything and then move it all to Spain and the new boat… it sounded like a lot of hard work and I decided I’d rather stay for a while and keep Dexter company on his road to recovery.

Something I wasn’t really expecting happened… I feel in love with my new home! I’m now living on an old farm and although I’m still an indoor cat, I get to take the humans for walks on the lead with Dexter and the dogs. I’d never lived with another cat before and here there are FOUR… five if you include me! I didn’t expect to like it, but now I can’t imagine being away from them. There are also four dogs, who you’ve met before on my blog, and four tortoises. I even have fish TV still because there’s a big aquarium with fancy fish in it! Granny is in the process of building a luxury cattery too in the orchard and I’ve decided it’s for the best if I stay here for the foreseeable future and oversee the planning and building.

I adored Nocturne and my time afloat and part of me really wanted to sail off into the future on Titanium too, but in two months time I will be 48 in cat years, (8 years old for the humans among you) and after spending 44 cat years at sea I feel it’s time to relax and enjoy bossing my humans and canine crew around from ashore! I love my new land-lubber life and all the space I have here to explore and prowl. I wouldn’t have left my humans unless I was absolutely sure that my canine crew were capable of looking after them and I still get to see them regularly (especially mum) when they come and visit.

What about my blog?

Well it’s been a tricky decision deciding what to do with my blog. I know a lot of you follow me because you are cat lovers and a lot of you follow me because you love adventures at sea.

I love all animals and I think that I have trained Annabelle sufficiently to take over reporting on my families adventures at sea. She will post to the blog about what is happening aboard Titanium and once a month or so I will post with updates about what I am doing here in Cornwall with all the rest of the family.

Chihuahua at sea

Why Annabelle?

Again, it was a tough decision to choose between April, Blue and Annabelle but in all honesty Annabelle is probably more cat like than I am! (The human’s nickname for me is Puppy!) She is three times lighter than me at 2.2 kg to my 6.5 kg and she is constantly preening and cleaning herself. She is also the most feisty. Even though she is the youngest by a year, she has become the clear boss of the canine pack.

What’s next?

Over the next few weeks Annabelle and I will work together to update and refresh the blog so that everything is clear and we’re excited to get back into blogging regularly. I have missed you all and we’re so excited to be back!

Today is also dad’s birthday so I will end this post by wishing him the happiest of birthdays and wishing you all the happiest of weeks!

Bisous, Bailey


  1. We are so happy to hear from you Bailey, We wish you well in your life ashore and look forward to more blogs!
    Purrs and hugs,
    Pete, The Girls and the Formerly feral kitties!

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  2. Edie Chase says:

    I’m glad to hear about your plans. Happy Birthday to your Dad!

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  3. Natalie Lowers says:

    Oh Bailey, so happy to hear from you, I have followed you for years and love seeing and hearing your adventures on the sea. I think you have made the right decision, you look beautiful and peaceful on the farm and I think you will continue to enjoy it. Thanks for all the wonder pictures and stories and I look forward to hearing about new ones with you and all of the fur friends.

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  4. Bailey, we were so excited to see that you had posted. We really, really miss you. And wow are we surprised that your stint on land has turned you from Bailey Boat Cat to Bailey Landlubber Cat. If you are actually going to post about yourself once a month that will certainly be better than what we’ve been getting, and we do still want to hear about your humans’ adventures at sea. Happy birthday 🎂🎁to Dad James. Sending lots of love to all, your sisfurs and brofurs, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve missed you all two fur-sibs! My typist was ill and there were so many big changes that I lost track but I’m so happy we are back! Bisous and lots of love xx


  5. Bailey, it’s so good to hear from you again! You have big life changes in the works, I look forward to your posts! 😻

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  6. Marlee Linford-Sakal says:

    So excited you are back! Lots of new adventures to follow. Monty, my chocolate point meezer has gone over the rainbow, but I will so much enjoy your ventures!


  7. Oh my goodness Bailey – lots of things going on for you my friend. Life changes and we have to change along with that don’t we. It sounds like you have a lovely place to live now and it will be nice to hear from you once in a while even though Annabelle will be the “traveler” in the animal family. The best part is YOU ARE HAPPY. We heard about Miss Pat’s visit with you when she was there recently – we were jealous!

    Love and Hugs – Angel Sammy said to say hi too!
    Teddy and Mom Pam

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    • Aww Pam and Teddy it was THE best weekend ever when I got to spend time with Miss Pat! We had so much fun! I’m going to blog about it ASAP, I’m just sorting out all of my photos… I had the humans take so many I can’t decide which ones are my favourite! I miss my buddy Sammy and look forward to hearing all about your news xx lots of love xx


  8. Aww, Bailey! We shall miss you and your life afloat, but completely understand your wish to settle down on land, especially in such a lovely part of the world and with such caring humans (and furries) to look after you and share your life.

    We look forward to hearing your updates from Cornwall from time to time and wish all of you all the very best for the future.


  9. Sue Holdaway says:

    It’s a joy to hear from you Bailey! I wish you a continuing happy life in Cornwall – perfect. I look forward to hearing more from you and from fiesty little Annabelle.


  10. How exciting to have had all those years at sea and now you will have lots more years on dry land. It is lovely to hear from you again – missed your adventures. Looking forward to the new blog.


  11. SwissSue says:

    Wow, Bailey, how lovely to hear from you again after all this time. So glad you’re enjoying life as a landlubber, hope you get to catch lots of meeces! It’s what cats normally do. Looking forward to hearing all about Annabelle’s adventures and wish your huumans lots of great times on board Titanium!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The Swiss Cats says:

    It’s so nice to hear from you, Bailey ! We’re glad to see you’re enjoying your new life so much. Happy Birthday to your dad ! Purrs

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  13. Very exciting times for you all. Good luck!

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  14. sounds great to us and happy birthday Dad!

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  15. Dear Bailey, Please give your dad James a hearty Happy Birthday wish from all of us here.
    It was so much fun to meet you, Dexter and all of your new furpals and grandpawrents.

    I could tell that you are very happy, busy, constantly stimulated and full of projects. We will look forward to hearing about your shore adventures and from Annabelle about life at sea!

    Fair winds, always, dear fellow. Thank you for your years of service as our Ambassador at Sea. You have brought joy and lots of nautical advice to so many! Pat

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Diane Sargent says:

    Bailey: You look so happy & clearly you are loving your new home. Make sure you post / blog monthly OK ? Your adventures will continue & we all want to see & hear about your new family. Please post picture & update about Dexter especially….we were so worried about him. Annabelle will be at the helm, boat-wise, so will follow those adventures also
    SO GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK ! Big hugs ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Diane, mum has to come back every 10-12 weeks for medical reasons so I still get to see her heaps. And dad and my siblings will be over regularly too. Lots of love and hugs xx


  17. Diane Sargent says:

    Bailey….had to add, won’t mom & dad miss you terribly ? I can’t imagine you all being broken up. Just saying. You do look happy tho! ❤️❤️❤️

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  18. Nancy Davis says:

    Hello, Bailey…so great to read this from you! I think your decision to reside in English country-side is very good idea. Annabelle will keep April and Blue in line, and keep the blog alive hopefully. Happy that Dexter has recovered so well, and he’ll love having you there. Best wishes to your Mum and Dad…happy birthday to him! Hugs to everybody and hope the new boat is fabulous! Ciao!

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  19. Happy birthday to your dad and I am happy you are back to blogging. I also think it is great that you are happy where you are.

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  20. 15andmeowing says:

    Nice to see a post from you. I am glad you are enjoying the land and I look forward to posts about you. Happy Birthday to your Dad!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Bailey, if you are happy then we are happy. Seeing you on deck has been a joy and we will miss that BUT we will stick with your blog and hope to see you now and again.

    We will miss you but send our love.

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

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  22. Happy Birthday to your human dad!

    I know we will enjoy Annabelle’s life-at-sea reporting from Titanium and are happy we’ll hear about your farm adventures…and so many animal friends!


  23. We love the plan for continuing the blog. Annabelle is the logical choice, but I’m happy we’ll get to check in with your new living situation as well, B.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Happy birthday to your male human! I think you’ve made the best decision for you and your family, Bailey – who knew you’d enjoy being on land so much?

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Dear Bailey! So glad to hear from you again…although it made me a tiny bit sad, to hear that you choose to stay with granny and grandpa. Won’t you miss your mum and dad and the your furry pack terribly? On the other hand you look very happy on the pictures and it seems the right decision – I bet especially Dexter will be happy!

    However, I wish you all good luck and I look very forward to read from you and Annabelle in the future! Take care, purrrrsss & happy birthday to your dad! =^.^=

    Liked by 1 person

  26. There will be plenty of adventures on land too I am sure and Annabelle with do a fine job as head boat dog,xx Speedy

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Been away for awhile… fun to see Bailey still providing inspiration to you…Fair Winds!


  28. ginav24 says:

    It is so nice to hear from you again, Bailey. I think that it is a wonderful thing that you can be at home there in Cornwall with so many interesting things while the humans and canines go off wandering the world. I will look forward to once again seeing the blog with the information from Annabelle and updates from your own life. Enjoy, wishing all of you well.


  29. Wow! Big changes indeed 😉
    While we will miss you being on the boat, we look forward to you popping in once in a while for updates. You look pretty happy with Dexter(so happy he is recovering well ).
    Good thing you trained Annabelle. She will make you proud.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ


  30. This is a big change, that’s for sure. We’re so happy you love your new home as much as you do! We’ll be looking forward to your updates. Best of luck to your humans on the new boat, and to Anabelle with the blog take over!


  31. Meowee!! I just read that you’re now a land cat!? Say it isn’t so!!. I will miss your adventures afloat but am curious about your new adventures ashore. I still go boating at least once a month, for a weekend or so at a time, and going on our annual 2 week cruise very soon. Unfortunately my human has gotten herself too busy to help with my blog over the last 2 years, but I will insist she make the time this time. Paw paw for now Bailey, keep in touch Brofur! =^..^=


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