Relaxed and really excited!

Well furiends I’ve just heard from the humans. They got to their destination safely and are very excited about tomorrow. Can anyone guess where they are? I’m very relaxed now I know they’re there and extremely excited to tell you all about it ASAP! Bisous, Bailey

Secret mission!

I’ve been a busy boat cat this weekend furiends and I’ve arranged a trip for the humans. I’m sending them off on a secret mission tomorrow! It’s very exciting and it means I get to see the purrfect Irina for the next two days! Gery is in Belgium at the moment spending time with his […]

Glass eyes selfie!

Dance like no-one’s watching!

Happy Caturday furiends! It’s time to celebrate and dance like no-one’s watching! Wishing you all fair winds and fishy feasts today! Bisous, Bailey

Breaking news- Film on Friday is going to be even more pawesome!

Well furiends I have good news and bad news today. I’ll start with the bad news… There’s no new Film on Friday today. However I’m sure you’ll all enjoy admiring my beautiful boat, Nocturne, in her element again! Watch ’til the end to see ME! Now onto the good news! My filmographer has invested (gratefully […]

Rotten traveler!

Varnishing the boat is a huge job and is a work in progress at the moment. As you can see in the sneak preview below, the trim has been done and now it really shows up how in need the rest of the wood is for a bit of TLC. As often happens on the […]

Profound Preening!

It’s impawtant to stay alert on a sailboat.

Furiends a couple of nights ago there was a bit of an emergency on my pontoon. After dinner we heard shouting outside. To begin with we weren’t sure what it was. We pulled our hatch open and all popped our heads outside to see what was going on. We heard someone in distress calling out […]

Companionway steps makeover!

Furiends I’m not sure if any of you have seen the state of my companionway steps recently. If you have, you’ve been too polite too say anything! They were in such a mess… They were worn and messy and really really ugly. The whole area looked unloved and uncared for. So we started Nocturne’s interior […]

Siamese Selfie!