My Book

I’m very excited that my first book is being published in 2014. It’s available to buy in America, the U.K. Australia and Canada! It can also be purchased on Amazon from ANYWHERE in the world!

Bailey_cover (1)

If like me you’re super excited and can’t wait to see the book then I have a little treat for you now! I made my first ever video… It’s a trailer for my book!

What do you think? I’d really appreciate it if you could please share it with all of your furiends!

My book is available in lots of major bookstores as well as Amazon.To visit my ‘superpage’ by Bloomsbury with more information on where you can buy my book click here.

To read more about how the book came to be, you can catch up on the previous posts below!

The cat’s out of the bag!

Exclusive sneak peek at my book!

First proofs!

Advance copies arrived!

Pawesome price for my furiends at AND watch my book trailer!

Bisous Bailey


  1. msphoebecat says:

    I have pre-ordered your book in memory of Ms. Phoebe who was a huge fan and planned on getting your book to add to her cat book library collection. Your adventures and amazing bravery inspired my special needs ladycat so much Bailey, thank you for all you do.


  2. hungryhungryhippo404 says:

    You’ve definitely got two Australian furiends here! Congratulations on getting published, that’s super exciting! 🙂 Oscar & Julia


  3. How exciting Bailey!!!! we must get ourselves a copy 🙂 how could we resist! and you already have the authors crossed leg concentrated need a smoking jacket and a pipe now! hugs Fozziemum xx


  4. We are soooooooooooooooooo happy for you and cannot WAIT for the book to come out!! Pssst…we didn’t want to read the preview because we want to experience the book fresh 😉


  5. Pawesome pawesome Bailey! Welcome to the published pet club! Woooowooooooo!


  6. Bailey I could NOT be more happy for you if I tried! This book of yours is going to be flying off the shelves because I know it will be fabulous – after all, it stars YOU!!!

    Hugs, Sammy


  7. This is sooo cool Bailey. My mum has pre-ordered a book for me and one for my human cousin. I’m so excited I can hardly wait.


  8. APAWZ APAWZ fer diz kewl page n fer yer book Brofur Bailey!! wE iz so proud of ya n yer Mum!!! Well dun to both of ya!!
    Much lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum too xoxoxo


  9. Mom just did our pre-order on Amazon! We are so excited for you Bailey! Concats!


  10. What about those stuck down in Africa?
    And wanting purrsonal pawprints? 🙂


  11. Furr-endly edit: The link says, ‘sneak peak’.


  12. Pre-ordered from NZ even – how exciting! I have my own boat blog to book on the way too (it even features my moggy), but it’s about a year away. Waiting sucks! Luckily I will have Bailey’s adventures to tide me over 🙂


  13. Bailey I’ve watched the trailer a thousand times and it brings my Mom to tears no matter how often we see it……it’s just so exciting that you and your Mom and Dad are living your dream! Concats again on the book my friend……I’m SO proud of you!

    Hugs, Sammy (and Mom)


  14. Wonderful video!


  15. Does Bailey meow with a Dubliner accent?


  16. He is beautiful. For a large part of my life, including the beginning, I had Siamese cats. This stopped when cats needing homes began to find me. I will be buying your book for my mother’s birthday. It was her Siamese, a seal point, that would watch over me as I lay, as a new-born, in my crib.


  17. It’s about time somebody wrote a book about a sailor cat. I’m so there.


  18. So Cute


  19. Your book arrived in the mail today, Bailey! We’ve read it with much pleasure and enjoyed the photos… It was a lot of fun and we had quite a few giggles as we recognised rather similar reactions in our ship’s cat Bengie! And by the way, you are very photogenic. Take it easy!


  20. Bailey’s book arrived in NZ today – it’s gorgeous! I have been annoying all my friends with it and will be reading it to my cat Ollie. Btw – love Bailey’s navigating tips, who knew it was that simple? I’ve been overthinking things all this time!


  21. Scout Pete & Hen says:

    Wow Bailey thats a very cool video! Mew are living the life dood…love your kewl life jacket! I asked mom to order your book too. I bet you get to eat lots of nommy fishies.

    PURRS, Pete & mom Teresa



  1. […] the level of fun that awaits you in Bailey Boat Cat: Adventures of a Feline Afloat, which Bloomsbury just published in Europe last week. While Americans have to wait until […]


  2. […] the level of fun that awaits you in Bailey Boat Cat: Adventures of a Feline Afloat, which Bloomsbury just published in Europe last week. While Americans have to wait until […]


  3. […] the level of fun that awaits you in Bailey Boat Cat: Adventures of a Feline Afloat, which Bloomsbury just published in Europe last week. While Americans have to wait until […]


  4. […] Bailey also has a book! […]


  5. […] Even though I’d seen the BLAD and of course the final proofs in a PDF format, the book still didn’t feel 100% real until I received the advance copies through the post. I knew what size the book would be, the number of pages and what the cover would look like, but I still really struggled to imagine it as a REAL book! […]


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