A mystery aboard Nocturne!

Firstly furiends I’d really like to thank you all for you kind thoughts and prayers for cousin Polly. She’s now at home and has eaten a little bit. She’s being closely monitored but paws crossed she seems to be, in typical Polly fashion, fighting to get better again. I’ll keep you all updated on her […]

Hey human…You forgot me!

Happy ‘Comic’ Birthday Dad!

Happy birthday to the best human dad a cat could ever wish for! Although you still sometimes try and tell people you don’t like cats, I know you adore me. (You don’t fool anyone else either!) Even though you still try to control me at times, I think we both know that I’m the true […]

Tongue tied!

Happy 1st of December!

Whether you’re a Grinch or a wannabe Elf today is a very impawtant day! It marks the start of the Christmas festivities. It’s now socially acceptable to put up your Christmas decorations and get into the festive spirit! I LOVE Christmas and all the festivities! I’ve got a pawesome Film on Friday lined up for […]

Hypnotising selfie!

Scare tactics!

I’m not known for being particularly scary but at this time of year I’m trying my hardest! Lots of you commented that my big blue eyes are just too furiendly so I tried closing them in an attempt to be more fearful… The humans said that just makes me look cute, so I tried hiding […]

Catnip crash!

The humans will be home any minute and I’m suffering from a catnip crash! I need to find the energy to get up and hide the evidence of my partying. The race is on… I’m looking forward to sniffing my way through the humans bags and seeing Sharkie and Blue! I hope you all have […]

Stupid humans strike again!

Furiends I can’t trust the humans to do anything without my supervision. Yesterday I was taking a little nap in a sun puddle when I was rudely awakened. There was a shattering sound as glass fell to the floor! I’d entrusted the humans to change a lightbulb. Yes really something so simple! They broke the […]

Under boat arrest!

Those of you who were surprised to see me outside yesterday were correct… That photo was taken a week ago before ‘the incident’. I’m actually still locked up up in prison! The humans are looking really pleased with themselves because they think they’ve come up with the purrfect way to keep me in… I’ll find […]