How to generate more power?!

I’ve been surfing the net today, as you do, and was amused to find this….


I just hope the humans don’t take it too seriously, else I fear I might be promoted from crew member to Nocturne’s energy elixir!

Nocturne and I are very happy with our current relationship! Our mutual love of the ocean, sailing and life, should get us as close as we need to be to infinite energy. No need to contemplate any potential toast disasters!

Bisous Bailey


  1. Now that is hilarious!! Paw pats,, Savannah


  2. Cute


  3. Hey that’s MaChatte in those pictures and she wouldn’t like that either, lol!


  4. You don’t want to be the engineer, or an APU either. It’ll mess up your beautiful fur.


  5. Uhoh…….make sure you don’t show this to your Mom or Dad Bailey!!
    Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. We think cat would spend all day trying to get toast off back to lick butter before his housemates could get to it. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


  7. On no account go there. Ban all images and mention of this infernal machine. You are not a speedboat cat young Bailey!


  8. Brilliant. People have been looking for this solutions for as long as I can remember. I don’t suppose you are considering volunteering for the job, are you? šŸ˜€


  9. Mum iz bustin a gut laffin at diz!!
    Me iz horryfied to fink yer Hu’Manz wuud strap da toast to ya’!!! Nah dey iz too nice to do dat!!!!
    What will dey fink of next??? MOL!!!!
    Lub Nylablue n SherriEllen


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