Furry positivity please!

Dear furiends!

How are you all? I’m so sorry for my absence. I have been busy caring for cousin Dexter. In August the humans, canines and I all travelled over to England to spend time here and help look after Dexter whilst mum also sorted out some health issues. Evfurrybody stayed for six weeks and I became best furiends with cousin Dexter. As most of you know, he was brutally attacked when some excuse of a human shoved a gun in his mouth and shot him. When I first saw him he had a funny metal thing attached to his face which made him look really weird. However, I had so much fun in the garden with him that I decided to stay behind whilst the humans did all the travelling between England, Italy and Spain and opt out of all of the stressful moving. Although I miss looking out of my portholes on the boat, I love the view from my holiday home.

I miss April, Blue and Annabelle of course but here there are four cats, four dogs and four tortoises as well as some fish so I’m having a whale of a time. Before they left my sisters and brofur Blue also loved it here because there’s so much space to run around.

Annabelle and Dexter are great partners in crime. I LOVE hanging out here.

Furiends I have a big favour to ask please. Tomorrow Dexter is going in for another operation to graft skin over the hole in his mouth to try and encourage the hole that still (three and a half months after the attack) hasn’t closed and healed. Please can you all send him all of your pawsitivity?

Dexter has also been in the news and made it to the finals of the PDSA’s (a UK based pet charity) survivor of the year awards. If you could please take a moment to vote for him to win we’d all be really grateful. You can vote for Dexter here.

Dexter and I really appreciate all of the very generous donations evfurryone has made to his Go Fund Me page, it has been invaluable in his recovery and we are both eternally grateful. Paws crossed everything goes well tomorrow during his operation.

Bisous to you all,



  1. Oh! How terrible! Was the awful human apprehended? We voted for Dexter, and we will be sending prayers for him to have successful surgery! Please let us know how it goes for him! Purrs to you and your family from Scout Pete and the whole family


  2. I still can not fathom why anyone would do this, Bailey. It’s pure evil. It’s great to see you again Bailey!! Hugs for all from Nevada. ❤️😻


  3. Diane Sargent says:

    Voted. I sent many positive vibes your way…over the ocean…from CT. They should be arriving just when you go into surgery. You will be fine little guy.
    Many hugs
    Dewey Duffy Mimi…and Diane


  4. Hope the surgery went well. Bailey looks well and curious!!
    I wanted to donate and when I went to your Go Fund Me page it is not working for me.
    I’ll check back.
    Be well, everyone!!
    Purrs and Hugs for everyone!!


  5. Lovely to hear from you, B. Mom voted for Dexter. He is a remarkable survivor and a tough cookie. We know he will do fine and stay strong.

    Love and licks,


  6. Bailey, we are so happy to see and hear from you. We hope this next surgery helps to close the hole in Dexter’s palate. We voted for Dexter a few days ago. We are sending purrs and POTP to Dexter, and Mom is keeping him in her prayers. We are really surprised that Mom Lou and Dad James left you behind and that you are okay with that. When will they come get you? We all are sending you lots of love. XOCK from your brofurs and sisfurs, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. 15andmeowing says:

    I will be praying that surgery goes well.


  8. Dear Bailey, We are so happy to hear from you, and hope you can join your furmaly very soon! Dexter is an incredible fellow, and we hope the surgery goes well for him. We voted for him and love the PDSA. You probably know that Able Seaman Simon was the first cat to win the Dickin Medal!!

    We look forward to your dispatches very soon, dear buddy! Pat


  9. I’m sending Dexter LOTS of purrs for his surgery!


  10. Poor Dexter; he’s a beauty. Praying for his next operation and that the people (are they human?) who did this are brought to justice. Bisous xx


  11. Such a horrifying story but Dexter is a REAL survivor. It’s wonderful so many have chipped in to help with his recovery and we will be praying this surgery in his mouth is successful in closing the wound finally. Sending all of you a warm hello as we haven’t heard from you in so long….

    Hugs, Teddy


  12. It is sad that humans are capable of such cruelty. I voted for Dexter and I hope his surgery goes well.


  13. All the best for Dexter’s surgery. He is a tough cookie! I still can’t get how somebody could be so cruel. Looking forward to getting updates from you Bailey!


  14. Great to hear from you again,dear Bailey and to see the lovely pics of you enjoying your holiday home with your friends. Have just voted for Dexter and will be adding him to my animal prayer list. Every good wish to you and Dexter and your human family.


  15. Sending pawsitive thoughts to Dexter.


  16. Great to hear from you again Bailey! Meanwhile, Dexter has had his surgery and I pray it turned out well. I think of him very often, and my heart his always with him – he’s my hero! My mum also mentioned the Go fund Me Page on our blog, so more people know about him – and maybe make a donation! Good luck to all of you – and special purrs to Dexter =^~^=


  17. Well Hello Bailey! It sure has been a while! You are so sweet to stay on with Dexter & help him with his recovery! I will pray for his surgery to go successfully & for healing. My new girl BellaDharma will put her paws together an *purr* for Dexter to recover quickly.
    Good luck Dexter! Stay well Bailey & please keep us posted ok??
    {{{hugs}}} Sherri-Ellen & ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  18. Marjorie Dawson says:

    Good luck Dexter! We HOPE you win win win!!!!


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