Turkey neck!

Vet visit from hell!

Today April and I visited the vets… It was pawful! A visit from hell. April showed how much of a dog she is by wagging her tail and kissing everyone that said ciao to her, but I wasn’t as easily fooled. April’s had diarrhoea and mum took her to the vets a few days ago […]

Poorly Paw

I’m off to the vet this evening because I have a poorly paw. There’s a little cyst appeared by my dew claw that’s been niggling me over the weekend. I’m sure it’s fine, but the humans are insisting they’ve seen me licking it lots so we have to go and get it checked out. I’m […]

Victorious after my vaccinations !

I’ve just got back from the vet. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I’m vaccinated against any nasty bugs that might try to attack me. There were a couple of dogs that were smaller than me! They were even pretty scared of me! I quite liked looking at all the posters […]

Missing dad

Mum’s back here in Nice now and we are both missing dad and Nocturne. Nothing in the world beats us being all together and out on the boat. They both have to work for a few days and I have an appointment with the vet on Monday… I’m going to try and relax over the […]